My Blog Articles

Income & Property Tax Rebates for Montana

Posted by Mark L. Corner on March 23, 2023 in  Tax
On March 13th, the 2023 Montana Legislature passed and the Governor just signed House Bills 192 & 222 which will give Montanans a rebate on their income taxes paid in 2021 and property taxes paid in 2022 & 2023.  The state has a multi-billion dollar surplus and collected more money than it needs.  The income tax rebate checks will be the lesser of the tax you paid on line 20 of your Montana Income Tax Form 2 in 2021 or $1,250 for individuals and $2,500 for married couples filing jointly.  The... Readmore

New Town & Country Grocery Store

Posted by Mark L. Corner on March 18, 2023 in  Development
Residents on the west side of Bozeman are getting a new grocery store.  Town & Country Foods has been planning a west-side store for a few years now.  They finally broke ground last fall on 4 acres of land on the north end of Ferguson Farms between Fallon St and Field St just to the north of Sidewinders, Foxtrot & Tanglewood.  The store is planned to be 38,000 sqft and a similar design to their S 11th Ave store.  The opening date will likely be early 2024.  Once this store is open, ... Readmore

Bozeman Airport Summer Flight Schedule

Posted by Mark L. Corner on March 04, 2023 in  Bozeman Airport Information

For the summer of 2023, the Bozeman Airport will offer non-stop flights to 22 cities, and some cities served by multiple airlines.